
Putin and other perpetrators of war crimes in Ukraine will be punished – Prime Minister of Finland

Sanna Marin is sure that a bright future awaits Ukraine as part of the EU and NATO.

Putin and other perpetrators of war crimes in Ukraine will be punished - Prime Minister of Finland

Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin said that Europe will never leave Ukraine in war unleashed by the Russian Federation, and will send even more heavy equipment, reports Yle. She stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and others guilty of war crimes will be brought to justice.

“Russia will lose this war. This is not a legal war. Russia is solely responsible for it. Every day in Ukraine, Russia kills civilians, deliberately kills civilians. People are raped. Children are being deported en masse to Russia. For all these actions, the guilty must also be punished. The Russian leadership, Putin, will not get away with it either. Finland supports all efforts to bring those responsible for these heinous crimes to justice. Including the Russian leadership,” said Sanna Marin.

She added that the war in Ukraine will end only when the Russian Federation withdraws its troops. The Prime Minister of Finland emphasized that the Russian-Ukrainian war should not become a frozen conflict.

“This will not end the war. The way to a lasting peace is Russia's cessation of hostilities. Only this opens the way to negotiations and steps towards peace,” said the Prime Minister.

Sanna Marin is confident that Ukraine, with the help of the West and “the country awaits a bright future as part of the EU and NATO, as it is ready to reforms”.

Read also: On the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the President and Prime Minister of Finland assured Ukraine of their firm support

Earlier, Sanna Marin said that Ukraine needs to provide everything she needs. At the same time, she emphasized that it is the Ukrainians who should decide under what conditions and what victory means for them. Marin herself believes that the Russian Federation should leave the entire territory of Ukraine.

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At the same time, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that it is necessary to speed up military aid to Ukraine, as well as increase the production of 155 mm shells which are so necessary for the Ukrainian military. She made such a statement during the Munich Security Conference.

Source: ZN

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