
Putin still wants to take over most of Ukraine – US intelligence

The situation looks rather bleak.

Putin still wants to seize most of Ukraine - American intelligence

Director of National Intelligence of the USA Evril Gaines stated that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has not yet given up his plans to seize most of the territory of Ukraine by military means. This is reported by Reuters.

“We continue to be in a situation where we look at Putin and believe that he has essentially the same political goals that he had before, that is, he wants to take over most of Ukraine,” Gaines said during a press conference of the US Department of Commerce in Tuesday, June 28.

She also emphasized that American intelligence has developed three possible scenarios for the further development of Russia's war in Ukraine in the short term. She considers the scenario of a bogged-down conflict in which the Russian Federation will achieve only minor gains to be the most likely.

Other scenarios are a breakthrough by Russia or the stabilization of the front line by Ukrainian defenders with possible but minor successes in the area of ​​Kherson and other populated areas in the south of Ukraine. Gaines.

Let us remind you that the head of the Ukrainian state Volodymyr Zelenskyi addressed the NATO summit in Madrid and called on the NATO countries to help Ukraine to stop the aggression of the Russian Federation. “Either emergency aid to Ukraine, or a postponed war with the Russian Federation,” he believes.

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Source: ZN

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