
Quinn said when the US embassy would return to Ukraine

For the next two weeks, she will arrive exclusively for day trips.

Queen told when the US embassy returns to Ukraine

Chargé d'Affaires of the United States in Ukraine Christina Quinn said that the US embassy may return to Ukraine by the end of May. She said this during today's briefing in Lviv. “

” Today is my first day in Ukraine and it is a one-day trip, “she said.

According to Quinn, such one-day trips will continue for up to two weeks.

“We very much hope that the conditions will allow us to return to Kyiv by the end of the month,” she said.

Read also: to Kyiv

It will be recalled that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already launched the procedure of approving the candidacy of Bridget Brink to the post of US Ambassador to Ukraine after receiving a request from the country.

Brink is a favorite of President Joe Biden for the post of Ambassador to Ukraine, in particular because he has extensive experience in Eastern Europe. Since 2019, she has been the US Ambassador to Slovakia. She previously served on the National Security Council and at US outposts in Serbia, Uzbekistan, and Georgia.. She resigned on May 20, 2019, and since then the US Embassy in Ukraine has not had an official head. The functions of the ambassador were performed by the Chargé d'Affaires of the United States: first Christina Quinn, in the summer of 2021 she was replaced by George Kent.

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Source: ZN

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