
Russia has reacted to the EU's decision to impose an oil embargo

The Kremlin is trying to pretend that nothing has happened.

In Russia reacted to the EU's decision to impose an oil embargo

Russia is not afraid of an oil embargo by the European Union and will look for other markets for its own energy resources. This was announced by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov.

According to the TAAS, immediately after the announcement that European leaders had agreed on a partial oil embargo, the Russian diplomat issued a statement announcing the official position of the Kremlin.

” Against the background of the sixth package of anti-Russian sanctions agreed by the EU, which provides for a partial embargo on Russian oil imports, I announce that Russia will find other importers of its oil, “Ulyanov said.

It became known the day before that members of the European Union managed to agree on a partial ban on Russian oil imports . The embargo will not affect the transfer of fuel through pipelines, and Hungary, which was one of the main opponents of energy sanctions against Russia, will be released from the ban on oil imports from the aggressor country.

Read also: Poland offers special measures against EU countries that are not ready for the oil embargo against Russia

Earlier it was reported that against the EU partial ban on oil imports from Russia, the cost of raw materials is growing in Asia.

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Source: ZN

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