
Russia is kidnapping Ukrainian children to deprive the people of the younger generations – Ukraine in the UN

Terror against civilians was planned in advance and is part of Russia's war plan.

Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children to deprive young people - Ukraine to the UN

Russia takes out Ukrainian children to his territory for the destruction of the Ukrainian nation, said on behalf of the Ukrainian delegation to the UN during an open debate in the Security Council on the protection of civilians in conflict conflicts, Adviser to the UN Embassy Serhiy Dvornyk.

“Abduction of at least 230 thousand “1.4 million Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia are a crime aimed at destroying the Ukrainian nation by depriving its younger generations, which is a modern manifestation of colonialism,” Ukrinform quoted Dvornik as saying.

He added that tens of thousands of civilians had been killed and many wounded in rocket and artillery shelling of Ukrainian cities. Almost 220,000 people lost their homes. Millions of citizens also had to flee the occupied or war-torn territories, 8 million became internally displaced, and 6.5 million left Ukraine as refugees.

“We have no doubt that in Russia's military strategies this refugee crisis provided as one of the successful results of the war. As well as the food crisis, “Dvornyk stressed.

However, he added, Russia underestimated the willingness to help, hospitality and commitment to Ukrainians of our neighbors and other friends.

“Russia is deliberately attacking Ukrainian civilians as part of its Nazi-style military strategy,” he said.

The diplomat reminded that the Russian military in Ukraine resorted to murder, torture, illegal detention, forcible deportation, deprivation of property rights, attacked civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine, confiscated grain from local farmers, and this is not a complete list of Russian crimes against civilians in Ukraine. .

Read also: The number of children killed by Russian aggressors in Ukraine has increased – Office of the Prosecutor General

Former Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova said that Russia deported to its territory 1,377,925 Ukrainians, including 232,480 children .

Data on the number of Ukrainians forcibly deported by Russia differ. But no matter how many there are, these figures are the fate of specific people and families who, fleeing the war in Ukraine, continue to fight for their survival in a hostile country. In the article by Olga Dmytrycheva “From the hell of war – to the trap of lawlessness. What do Ukrainians deported to Russia face? – a story that became an occasion to talk about this big problem and ways to solve it.

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Source: ZN

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