
Russia understands that a defeat in Ukraine will destroy Putin's regime – Klimkin

The former minister predicted the role of Ukraine in the future of Europe.

“In Russia, they understand that a defeat in Ukraine will destroy Putin's regime – Klimkin” />

The war in Ukraine will continue as long as the Russian regime exists. This does not exclude the possibility of a cease-fire or a truce, but Ukrainians will never feel safe, having such a neighbor next to them, writes in his article for ZN.UA «Russia's war and Ukraine's mission: three important things” former Minister of Foreign Affairs of UkrainePavlo Klimkin.

He notes that now the Russian regime is in despair, because he perfectly understands , that Ukraine will be part of the West, because the status of a candidate in the EU is part of the vision of the common future of Ukraine and the West. Moreover, it will be the reunification with the West of an active, passionate State and Nation.

“The Russian regime will never accept this. And, by the way, it scares part of the West. I don't know if Putin understood that he shouldn't conquer Ukraine, but part of the Russian elites already understood for sure,” the ex-minister notes.

In the future, according to him, the Kremlin will try to seize as much Ukrainian territory as possible, declaring it something like like “Novorossiya”, and destroy the rest.

“If it fails, the Russian regime will be destroyed, and many in Russia understand this well. We are not naive and realize that it will not happen “all at once”, but it will happen. That is why we are not satisfied with the ideas that are now actively spreading in the West, such as “let's take Putin's promise not to move forward, and let him do whatever he wants.” The current Russian regime cannot be put in a cage, it will not work,” Klimkin emphasizes.

In his opinion, Ukraine has a unique chance to become a source of new energy for the West.

“The West has woken up, and there is no need to write a new song – “Good morning, Zahod, wake up”. Unfortunately, we have paid and are paying an insane price for this awakening. But now we have to constantly sing this song and make sure that the West begins to act in a coordinated manner on the basis of a new strategy that does not exist yet. The task is super-ambitious, but we have not yet achieved it!”, he writes.

Yes, the only guarantee of our security will be rapid and complete integration into the Western world.

“It is good to have to be good, and Evil is evil, and Good must be fought for, it must be armed to the teeth and ready for battle. Ukrainians and Ukraine have a mission — to make the West, and not only the West, the world understand this. We have a lot to learn in the West, starting with the rule of law. But the West also has a lot to learn from Ukraine. Self-confident people do not have an inferiority complex or megalomania. They are themselves — for themselves and for the world. This is what our real Independence is all about,” he summarized.

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Read more articles by Pavlo Klimkinat the link. /strong>

Source: ZN

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