
Shabunin on Mudroi's statement regarding the problems for Ukraine due to recognition of the Russian Federation as a sponsor of terrorism: “This is manipulation”

The head of the Communist Party of Ukraine explained how this status of Russia will help friends of Ukraine in the US Congress.

=”Shabunin on Mudroi's statement regarding the problems for Ukraine due to recognition of the Russian Federation as a sponsor of terrorism: “This is manipulation” />

Declaration of Deputy Minister of Justice Iryna Mudroi that recognition of the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism will create problems for Ukraine< /strong>, is manipulation. This was stated by the head of the Anti-Corruption Center Vitaliy Shabunin.

“This is open manipulation. The status of a state-sponsor of terrorism for Russia is constantly demanded by Zelenskyi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuleba reminds about it every time in his communications. Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, demands it from the State Department, and the US Senate almost unanimously votes a resolution with the corresponding requirement. And our deputy minister comes out and says that Ukraine does not need it. What is this but sabotage?”, Shabunin noted.

In particular, according to US law, after recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism, Americans can file a lawsuit to recover Russian assets in the United States. However, as Shabunin explained, this does not mean that Ukraine will automatically lose these same assets. The head of the Central Committee added that in order to recover Russian assets for the benefit of the Ukrainian state, the United States should adopt a number of additional laws. And the recognition of the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism will make this task much easier for friends of Ukraine in Congress.

“In a word, Ms. Mudriy should focus on her immediate duties and finally start confiscating Russian assets in Ukraine under the sanctions mechanism,” added Shabunin.

He also reminded that three months will soon pass, as the Verkhovna Rada passed a law allowing Ukrainian authorities to confiscate Russian assets. However, the Ministry of Justice, in the person of Mudroi, has not yet submitted any statement to the court regarding this.

“For the sake of justice, Mudroi has nothing to do with Malyusyka. She is Yermak's person, who is being prepared to replace the current minister,” concluded Shabunin.

Read also: The Russian Federation threatens the USA with a “point of no return” if it is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism

It should be noted that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi has repeatedly called for Russia to be recognized as a sponsor of terrorism. In particular, after the Russian missile attack on Vinnytsia, which took 27 lives, or the shelling of the territory of the Zaporizhzhya NPP. And the opposite position of the deputy minister, who is associated with the head of the OPU, Andriy Yermak, is evidence of the ill-conceivedness of the president's statements, for the examination of which the head of the office is directly responsible.

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The recognition of the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism was criticized< /strong> and international law expert at Vanderbilt University Law School Ingrid Brunk Wurth. In particular, in the article for WP, she emphasized: “The status of a state sponsor of terrorism is not a symbolic gesture intended to punish countries that behave badly. This is a legal trigger built into a complex legal framework. In the case of Russia, some consequences may be harmful to the interests of Ukraine and the United States. They can even help Russia”.

Source: ZN

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