
Sullivan spoke about the relationship between the US and Ukrainian administrations

The Ukrainian and American governments cooperate closely and constructively at all levels.

administrations of the USA and Ukraine” />

There is a strong partnership between the administrations of Biden and Zelensky. In an interview with NPR, the US President's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this.

According to him, the Ukrainian and American governments cooperate closely and constructively at all levels, and the presidents of both countries “regularly communicate”.< /p>

“You just have to listen to President Biden when he talks about President Zelensky. He openly admires him, admires his courage, bravery, skill, his management of the country in a time of absolute crisis. They communicate regularly. They have an incredibly constructive and effective communication,” he emphasized, answering questions about the existence of mistrust between the White House and the OP of Ukraine.

Sullivan added that thanks to this partnership, the US was able to effectively provide Ukraine with the necessary military, economic and humanitarian support, and emphasized that they will continue to do so.

“By the way, I believe that the leadership of Ukraine is incredibly effective and boldly leading the country against the onslaught of an invading neighbor, and doing so against all expectations that they would be able to hold and resist. And it was incredibly impressive to watch,” said Sullivan.

The adviser also said that six months ago, no one could have predicted such a course of events.

“We definitely predicted that Russia would invade, but exactly how that invasion unfolded depended on a lot of factors, and that turned out to be true six months later,” he said.

Jake Sullivan did not make predictions about the further course of events of the war in Ukraine, but emphasized that it has a chance to end just tomorrow.

“I will say this: Russia can end this war tomorrow if they simply withdraw from the territory they tried to conquer by force, which is against all norms of international law. And that's why Putin could end this case very quickly. Our job as the United States is to put Ukraine in the best possible position on the battlefield, so that it is in the best possible position at the negotiating table.”

At the same time, the issue of starting possible peace talks, Biden's adviser called ” open”.

Yesterday, John Kirby, the strategic communications coordinator of the US National Security Council, commented on the rumors about the growing mistrust between the American and Ukrainian administrations.

We remind you that Congresswoman Victoria Spartz sent a new letter to US President Joe Biden to draw attention to recent developments in Ukraine, including additional concerns surrounding OP chief Andriy Yermak.

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Spartz later demanded that for the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi to answer before the US Congress, “why did the head of the president's office Andriy Yermak actually take control of all institutions and create a dictatorship under the guise of war?”

Source: ZN

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