
The ban on “OPZZH” will not prevent its members to re-elect to the Verkhovna Rada – “Honest”

In particular, the former communist Ioffe has already entered parliament.

 The ban on

Ban on the party” Opposition Bloc – For Life “, as well as any other political force, will not prevent its representatives to create a new political party and be re-elected to parliament. That is, as the Honest Movement emphasizes, pro-Russian forces will once again be able to influence national and local policies.

“Even now, when the people's deputies have created several parliamentary groups -” Platform for Life and Peace “and” Reconstruction of Ukraine “, they can still, as previously reported, have access to state secrets,” – say analysts.

However, most representatives of the “OPZZH” were active absentees before the war and do not participate in parliamentary sessions and now. Thus, they do not fulfill the oath that was given to the people of Ukraine. The Party of Regions (5th, 6th and 7th convocations), which, by the way, is still not banned and still exists on paper.

Some politicians were already in parliament from the SDPU (o) during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th convocations, when the party was headed by Viktor Medvedchuk.


“Only a relevant court verdict against a specific citizen can prevent him from running. Therefore, in order to stop this process of political collaboration and treason, it is necessary for law enforcement agencies to go to court and bring violators to justice, “analysts say.

Read also: The court banned the Opposition Bloc party


We will remind that today the court forbade activity of party «Opposition platform – For life». Earlier, such pro-Russian forces as Opoblok, NASHI, Volodymyr Saldo Bloc, Socialist Party of Ukraine , Derzhava, Socialists, and Socialists Justice and development. ” The only party that has filed a counterclaim is the pro-Russian political project Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.

Source: ZN

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