
The British Prime Minister has stated that he would resign if he had to stop supporting Ukraine

Boris Johnson does not “see” such a situation yet.

 The British Prime Minister has stated that he would resign if he had to stop supporting Ukraine

The head of the British government Boris Johnson said that he could resign in In the event of a defeat in support of Ukraine, informs the BBC ,

circumstances, he would have resigned, Johnson pointed to support for Ukraine.

“Of course, I think it's (about morality). If I were told that we should abandon the Ukrainian cause because it was becoming too difficult, and the cost of supporting this people is too high in terms of inflation, economic damage, I would admit who lost a very important dispute and I would leave, “Johnson said.

He said he” did not sees “such a situation.

The Conservative party of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson lost two more seats in parliament on Friday. This led to the resignation of its chairman and raised doubts about the future prime minister in office.

Conservatives lost the by-elections in two constituencies – in the south, where the Conservatives have traditionally won, and in the north of England, where they won the mandate from Labor last time.

Why Johnson's victory is not unequivocal, and the Conservative “shipwreck” also applies to our friendship with an important ally. The answer in Victor Konstantinov's article “ From love to hate. How Boris Johnson almost lost power. “

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Source: ZN

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