
“The consequences will be terrible, we made it clear to Moscow” – US Secretary of State Blinken

The United States directly negotiated with the Russian side and warned of an immediate response in the event of the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

” alt=””The consequences will be terrible, we made it clear to Moscow” – US Secretary of State Blinken ” />

Russian threats about the use of nuclear weapons, which came from the mouth of the head of the Kremlin a few days ago, forced almost every world leader has to react to the threat of global danger. The United States has already announced the introduction of new sanctionsafter Russia held “pseudo-referendums” in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, while US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said in the 60 Minutes program that his country has a plan in case of a nuclear attack by the Russian Federation, reports CBN.

According to Anthony Blinken, nuclear blackmail is an extremely irresponsible position and causes real concern. However, the United States is prepared for such a scenario and has an appropriate plan of action.

Read also: Putin's nuclear threats may become reality – Zelensky

“We are focused on making sure that we all act responsibly, especially when it comes to such vague rhetoric,” the US secretary of state said. “We have made it very clear to the Russians in public as well as in private that they stop talking about nuclear weapons.” the aggressor country was given a clear understanding of the consequences of using weapons of mass destruction.

Read also: Any use of nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine will have catastrophic consequences for Russia – the Biden administration

“It is very important that the Kremlin hears from us and learns from us that the consequences will be terrible. And we made it clear,” said Anthony Blinken.

However, he did not announce any details. The Secretary of State also emphasized that, despite everything, Washington is determined not to expand the conflict and avoid the outbreak of the Third World War by all means.

Read also: Putin's nuclear threats should be taken seriously – Borel

“President Biden was determined to do everything possible to help the Ukrainians defend themselves, as we do everything we can to rally other countries to pressure Russia, we are also determined not to expand this war,” Blinken explained.

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Let us remind you that earlier the US Secretary of State stated that the crimes committed against the Ukrainian people cannot go unpunished.

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Source: ZN

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