
The Council proposes to amend the Criminal Code to facilitate the exchange of prisoners of war

Criminal cases against such persons may be closed on an extraordinary basis.

 propose to amend the Criminal Code to facilitate the exchange of prisoners of war

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered a bill proposing amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which in theory should simplify the procedure for exchanging prisoners as prisoners of war.

One of the initiators of the draft law №7436 is the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Fedor Venislavsky.

a decision was made to transfer the suspect accused of exchange as a prisoner of war.

“Proceedings against the accused may be closed by the court if the prosecutor has filed a motion to close it due to the fact that the relevant authority has decided to transfer the accused for exchange as a prisoner of war,” the explanatory note to the document reads. At the same time, if the exchange did not take place, the court may overturn its decision and continue the investigation or trial of the suspected prisoner of war.


“Given the difficult situation, there is an urgent need to promptly resolve the issue of exchange of defendants convicted as prisoners of war,” – said the authors of the bill.

Read also: An exchange took place between Ukraine and Russia bodies of the dead military

We will remind that exchange of prisoners of war from recently is engaged Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, and the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov is personally responsible.

Source: ZN

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