
The escape of the occupiers from Kyiv: ISW talked about Putin's unrealized plans and the speech before the parliament

They shot in the back of the head and tried to burn the bodies: let's recall the situation in the Kyiv region some 8 months ago.

Putin's unrealized plans and the speech before the parliament ” alt=”The escape of the occupiers from Kyiv: ISW spoke about the unrealized plans of Putin and the speech before the parliament ” />

The shameful escape of the occupiers (who aimed at “Kyiv in three days “) from the north of Ukraine and Kyiv Oblast in April 2022, she probably overruled Putin's plans to declare victory during an address to the Russian parliament (Moscow Federal Assembly). The Institute for the Study of War writes about the change in his intentions.

Previously, Putin took the opportunity in March 2014 to deliver the “Crimea Speech”, in which he announced the illegal annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Also read: Russian marines ordered to entrench under Kyiv, although the Russian Federation has already recognized that its main task is to take Donbas

He likely anticipated a similar outcome in early spring, but postponed the appeal indefinitely, likely due to Russian military failures, his announced annexation of territories not controlled by Russian forces, and public dissatisfaction with the mobilization.

Read more : “Love you. They are shooting at us…” – a family from the Kyiv region miraculously survived after shelling during evacuation

Perhaps the Kremlin is still waiting and hoping to make a grand victory speech in 2023, or is postponing the moment when it will have to admit that Russia cannot achieve its oft-repeated goals in Ukraine.

Read also: Kyiv region freed from the occupiers – Painter

They shot in the back of the head and tried to burn the bodies: recall the situation near Kyiv some 8 months ago.

In the network has plenty of testimonies of people who survived the occupation or lost relatives after February 24. In particular, about Bucha, whose photo and video shocked the world in the spring.

From other testimonies, local men from the same Buchi tell how they managed to survive (7 minutes 46 seconds – beginning):

–        But you personally did not see the violence?

–        You did not? They wanted to shoot me.. (as) I did not see…

–        You?

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–        Yes… it's thanks to that officer whose uncle served in the Pacific Fleet, where I am… That's what saved me. And so they would be shot near the fence. For the column I photographed. This column is broken – with the letter V. That's what they wanted to shoot me for.

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Source: ZN

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