
The EU is planning a pan-European recognition of Ukrainian driver's licenses – the media

This will help Ukrainian refugees, including in employment.

In the EU plan European-wide recognition of Ukrainian driver's license - media

European Commission plans to introduce special rules with pan-European recognition of Ukrainian driver's license. This is stated in the German government's response to a question from MP Clara Bunger, writes the EP with reference to Spiegel.

At the EU level, the federal government and the federal states are currently discussing the possibility of introducing such rules.

An MP from the Left wanted to know whether the federal government is planning an expulsion, as the new driving test in Germany will bring significant costs to refugees and will also take time. Plus, the language barrier will be an obstacle. At the same time, many refugees need a driver's license to get a job.

Foreigners living in Germany and coming from non-EU countries are usually allowed to drive for six months with their country's driver's license.


Read also: Ukrainian refugees in Poland will cease to receive daily benefits from July 1, but there are exceptions – Rzeczpospolita

Earlier it was reported that Kyiv region begins to allocate new apartments . for those who lost their homes in the war.

Source: ZN

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