
The key stages of the selection of the NABU director begin. Bankova is already trying to recruit one of the candidates

How will candidates be selected for the post of director of NABU.

The key stages of the selection of the NABU director begin. Bankova is already trying to recruit one of the candidates

The commission for the selection of the director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau selected 22 candidates who will advance to the next stage of the competition. Moreover, there are data that Bankova has already called some candidates to offer them to become “their” person. How the key stages of the selection of people, three of whose names will be submitted for consideration by the government, will take place, explained Olena Shcherban in an article for ZN.UA /span>Competition for the director of NABU. Risks and chances of twenty“.

“Actually, the key stages of selection begin from this moment. And also a real struggle not only for the chair of the head of NABU, but also for the purity of the result of the competition itself. Because the appointment of a candidate loyal to the government to the position of director of the bureau can destroy the entire anti-corruption chain NAZK—NABU—SAP—VAKS, which was built up over the years under conditions of systematic pressure and attacks by political elites. Only in recent months, with the inclusion of SAP, the anti-corruption unit began to show systematic work,” Shcherban writes.

According to her, Bankova nominally only observes what is happening within the framework of the tender process. But there is information that she does not always manage to keep her distance.

“Some of the participants have already received calls with offers to represent the interests of the OPU in a key links of the anti-corruption bloc. Therefore, you should not think that the attempts to recruit and bring your candidate to the final three have been left behind. Everything is just beginning,” the author notes.

In particular, during the next stage all 22 candidates have to complete a practical task. It consists of two blocks:

  1. verification of the candidates' possession of professional practical skills and abilities;
  2. verification of the candidates' organizational and leadership qualities.
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    At the same time, each of the candidates will be carefully analyzed both by the commission and by representatives of civil society. Anyone interested can already send materials about the candidates to the commission at the e-mail address sc.nabu@gmail.com.

    Shcherban explained that if the candidates cannot clearly answer the questions of the commission and citizens in writing, they will be interviewed for integrity. However, the most important indicator of integrity is the presence of a declaration of property status submitted by the candidate.After all, even if the parliament suspended the declaration, it is simply impossible to imagine the director of NABU without a submitted declaration. about whom there are doubts. And those who remain will undergo another interview – regarding professional competence. It is after this stage that the commission must choose the trio, which will be submitted for approval by the government.

    “All these procedures will take at least one and a half to two months. Therefore, fulfilling the wishes of Denys Shmyhal — to submit the final three by the end of January — is simply unrealistic. The latter is not the first time to criticize the commission for slow work. However, this whole game is just an attempt to divert attention from the fact that it was the government that blocked the start of the competition for more than half a year. Obviously, the authorities hope to get at least someone in the final three with whom they can come to an agreement. But there is hope that the commission will not give her such a chance and the internal sieve of the competition will turn out to be stronger than Bankova's attempts to guide/recruit her candidate,” Shcherban writes.

    Currently, as the author added, it seems that the NABU representative will be able to get a position only if the bureau's employees themselves will be included in the final three. The Anti-Corruption Center expects that the final three will consist exclusively of independent candidates and those who have already shown results in the investigation of top corruption.

    “Preserving and strengthening the independence of NABU in this difficult time for Ukraine cannot be underestimated. Confidence in the independence of anti-corruption bodies, their institutional capacity is and will be the key guarantor of the trust of Western partners in Ukraine, without whose help we cannot win this war,'' Shcherban added.

    Read also: 22 candidates were admitted to the next stage of the NABU director competition: which of them raises significant doubts

    At the beginning of August, the chairman of the board of the Anti-Corruption Center Vitaly Shabunin said that the president's team was preparing to disrupt the competition for director of NABU, which was pointed out by the draft law registered by the representative of the presidential faction “Servant of the People” Andriy Klochka , which establishes new requirements for candidates for the position and restrictions on participation in the competition. In the end, the draft law was withdrawn from consideration.

    Ambassadors of the “Big Seven” (G7) countriesexpressed concern draft law No. 7654 as creating legal risks and uncertainty surrounding the procedures for selecting the leadership of key anti-corruption institutions of Ukraine.

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    At the Ukraine-EU Association Council emphasized the need to complete the selection of a new director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) and the reform of the Constitutional Court (KSU).

    Source: ZN

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