
The Kremlin responded to Turkey's initiative to organize negotiations between the Russian Federation and the West

Ankara continues its “peacemaking” activity.

The Kremlin responded to Turkey's initiative to organize negotiations between the Russian Federation and the West

Russia has not yet received proposals from Turkey to organize negotiations with key Western countries, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov was asked whether Moscow had received proposals to organize negotiations with Washington, London, Berlin and Paris. The spokesman of the President of the Russian Federation replied negatively: “Not yet.”

Earlier, Milliyet columnist Ozai Shendir reported that Turkey would like to act as a mediator in the issue of ending the Russian-Ukrainian war and has already sent a plan quadrilateral negotiations to some Western capitals, in particular through private channels.

According to the journalist, the first feedback on the plan from influential figures in Washington is positive.

Read also: Erdogan urges Putin to “give a chance” to negotiations between Russia and Ukraine

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Source: ZN

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