
The mandate of the deputy is planned to be taken away from several more representatives of the OPZZH — mass media

The basis will be their Russian citizenship.

alt=”Mandates of MPs are planned to be stripped of several more representatives of OPZZH —  mass media” />

Several people's deputies from the banned party “Opposition Platform – For Life” will be stripped of their mandates early due to the presence of Russian passports, reports LB. ua with reference to sources in the parliament.

“In the near future, we expect a new decree (of the president, ed) on the deprivation of Ukrainian citizenship of several members of the Verkhovna Rada from the former OPZZH faction. Based on their possession of Russian passports,” – the publication's source said.

In particular, the fourth paragraph of Article 81 of the Constitution of Ukraine provides for the deprivation of mandate in case of termination of citizenship or departure for permanent residence outside Ukraine.

We are talking about such deputies as Oleksandr Ponomaryov, Nataliya Korolevska, Yuriy Solod and Oleg Voloshyn .

It is expected that after the execution of the decree on the deprivation of their citizenship of Ukraine, the parliament will vote for the early termination of their powers as deputies, as was the case with four deputies the day before.

Read also: Vadym Stolar, a representative of the banned OPZZ, was not released outside Ukraine – journalist

We would like to remind you that on January 13, the Rada voted for the early termination of the powers of People's Deputies Andrii Derkach, Viktor Medvedchuk, Taras Kozak and Renat Kuzmin. Andriy Aksyonov was also stripped of his mandate at his own request.

Information about the Russian citizenship of the deputy Oleksandr Ponomarev appeared back in December 2021 – the “Schemes” program was able to support this data at once from two independent sources that have access to the “Rospassport” system.


After the Russian invasion, Ponomaryov stayed in Berdyansk, and then left for Crimea, and on January 19, 2023, he unexpectedly appeared in the Council.

Natalia Korolevska hid real estate in the Moscow suburbs in her declarations for 16 years in a row, as well as ownership of a house and a plot of land in Russia since 2005.

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Yurii Solod is Natalia Korolevska's husband. According to the media, the couple left the country at the beginning of February.

Source: ZN

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