
The mobilization order indicates that the Kremlin is panicking — Rutte

He advises to remain calm, as threats from Moscow are constantly being sounded.

“The mobilization order shows that there is panic in the Kremlin – Rutte” />

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte commented on Vladimir Putin's order on the start of mobilization in Russia. According to him, this is evidence that the Kremlin is panicking. Rutte said this to the Dutch broadcaster NOS.

“Mobilization, calls for “referendums” in Donetsk are all signs of panic. We've heard his rhetoric about nuclear weapons many times before, and it leaves us cold. It's all part of the rhetoric we know. I would advise you to stay calm,” – the prime minister noted.

Read also: Western diplomats on mobilization in Russia and “referendums”: all this will not help Putin

Recall that on September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putinannounced partial mobilization in the country, the corresponding decree has already been signed. As part of such measures, the Russian authorities plan to call up another 300,000 reservists to fight against Ukraine.

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A day earlier, the State Duma of Russia voted for a draft law, which introduces the concepts of “mobilization”, “martial law” and “wartime” into the criminal code of the Russian Federation. What does this mean? On February 24, Putin promised Russians a “special military operation” and not a war. But now the situation is completely different, and the draft law, in fact, only confirms the failure of the SVO.

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Source: ZN

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