
The Pari-Match trademark has not been canceled in Russia

Bookmaker also continues to work openly in Belarus


Trademark of the bookmaker Parimatch is still active in Russia, according to RBC -Ukraine “with reference to official information on the website of Rospatent.

As you know, the company recently announced that it has revoked the franchise in Russia, but the brand has not been officially canceled.

In addition, Russian sites write that the company has just rebranded.

“Russian Parimatch has rebranded. The company continues to operate under the name Paribet. Only the colors have changed. Bets, deposits, withdrawals – everything works,” – said the profile site

Also, the bookmaker continues to work openly in Belarus. The company accepts bets on the official website, in the mobile version, in applications for iOS and Android and in land-based betting points, has offices in Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno and Mogilev.

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Source: ZN

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