
The Polish politician proposes to limit the export of food products from Ukraine: what was the reason for the proposal

The country is full of Ukrainian goods.

Polish politician proposes to limit the export of food products from Ukraine: what was the reason for the proposal

The EU should review its free trade agreement with Ukraine and introduce restrictions on the import of certain food products. Janusz Wojciechowski, the European Commissioner for Agriculture, told members of the Polish Parliament on Wednesday, POLITICO writes. is essential to help the country's war-torn economy. Since the invasion of Russian troops in February, they have occupied and mined agricultural lands, stolen crops and bombed grain warehouses and ports.

In recent months, the export of Ukrainian products was carried out in limited quantities through the traditional Black Sea export route. Brussels opened an alternative land route to the EU when it launched the so-called solidarity lanes in May, and in June signed an agreement with Kyiv on suspension of all import duties on Ukrainian goods for one year .

The agreement expires next summer, but the European Commission plans to extend it until the end of 2024.

Read also: Germany is ready to develop overland routes for the export of Ukrainian grain. .

Although the Western Corridor is a lifeline for Ukraine's economy and its farmers, it has put Polish farmers in a situation of greater market competition. This could have political consequences for the country's right-wing government, led by the Law and Justice party (PiS), which will need to protect the votes of rural voters to retain power in elections due in September 2023.

“I know about farmers' concerns and I see the problem,” said Wojciechowski, himself a representative of PiS.

He was answering a question about whether the Commission will consider the issue of food imports from Ukraine, which, instead of being exported further through solidarity routes, remain in the border regions of Poland.

“Helping Ukraine is our strategic priority, and that is beyond debate. This is a security issue, but for some products this policy will need to be revised. After the opening of trade with Ukraine, the import of some agricultural products actually increased several times. There are simply too many goods coming in,” he said.

As examples, Wojciechowski cited corn, canola and poultry, which “arrive in excessive quantities.” According to him, there is also a “problematic” increase in the import of sunflower oil from Ukraine in Romania and Bulgaria.

Vojciechovskyi added that the decision to introduce tariffs on food products will depend on many members of the commission, but he emphasized that he would advocate introduction of restrictions on imports.

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As reported, losses of the agricultural sector of Ukraine due to Russian aggression amounted to more than $34 billion. In 9 months of the current year, the export of goods and services decreased by 26 %compared to the corresponding period last year.

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Source: ZN

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