
The Prime Minister of the Netherlands supports the call for a “broad coalition” to send tanks to Ukraine

Rutte expressed confidence that Europe and the USA will be able to bring their “dialogue” on tanks to the end.

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands supports the call to

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he understands Germany and other countries that want to create a “broad coalition” to send heavy battle tanks to Ukraine.

In an interview with CNN's Richard Quest at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Rutte said “there is broad support for sending military equipment. We've sent so much since the start of the war. Of course, there's an ongoing debate about tanks, and the question is what It may be necessary, but I understand that the Germans and others say that you need a broad coalition“.

Read also: The Netherlands will provide Ukraine with 2.5 billion in 2023 euro. Zelensky has already thanked Prime Minister Rutte

Rutte noted that it is “extremely important” that Ukraine wins the war, but “we must also be honest with him (Zelensky) and say that if you need tanks, for example, at the level at which he is asking for them, then it is necessary that it is not done by one country, but by a group of countries.” “dialogue” on tanks until the end.

Despite Kyiv's request to provide modern tanks, Germany and the USA have not yet fulfilled this request. At the same time, Great Britain and other key allies are preparing to send tanks which may play a decisive role in the war, as Kyiv prepares for a possible large-scale offensive.

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Source: ZN

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