
The resolution of three issues would nullify any claims to the president's office, including those from Spartz — Shabunin

Then any claims of foreign partners would not have such a sharp context.

from Spartz — Shabunin” alt=”Resolving the three issues would nullify any claims to the president's office, including from Spartz — Shabunin” />

If the president's office did not block the completion of the competition for the position of head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the start competition for the appointment of the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, and would also remove the notorious deputy head of the OP Oleh Tatarov from his post, any claims from foreign partners would not be of such importance, said Vitaliy Shabunin, head of the Anti-Corruption Center.

He noted that no matter where the situation with the statements of the representative of the US Congress Victoria Spartz develops, Ukraine may have problems with the supply of weapons as a result.

“Of all the accusations of the congresswoman, the strongest ones are: the blocked contests in SAP and NABU, as well as Tatarov. If the authorities can fight back on the rest of the arguments, then there is no chance regarding the ones listed above (because every capital knows these stories in detail),” wrote Shabunin.

He noted that these real arguments would not be the first time support the country's Western allies, and individual players specifically use these real actions of our authorities with the aim of undermining support for Ukraine.

“The best way to stop such attacks is to remove real claims, and not jump on the congresswoman (regardless of the purity of the latter's motives). Appoint the winner of the competition as the head of the SAP. Stop blocking the competition for the head of NABU. Release Tatarov, suspected of corruption, who worked for Kremlin puppets. And that's it – the strongest claims have been removed. There is no field for an attack in support of Ukraine. There is no threat to the supply of weapons. But it seems that it is more important for the worst part of the OP to make the SAP/NABU non-working and keep Tatarov in office,” he noted.

Read also: NABU has been working in an aggressive environment for seven years – Sytnyk

< p>Recall that the issue of completing the competition for the position of the head of the SAP, which, by the way, has been going on for two years, and in fact only needs the final meeting of the commission to be completed, which must approve its own evaluation results, was one of the important issues in the diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the USA on the eve of the Russian invasion.

ZN.UA wrote in its cycle of forecasts for 2022 that the authorities will also try to block the competition for the post of NABU director. year.

We will remind, on July 8, Victoria Spartz addressed an official letter to the President of the United States Joe Biden, urging him to check the possible connections of the head of the president's office Andriy Yermak of Ukraine with Russia.

See the special topic: The competition for the position of the head of the SAP may be completely disrupted – Shabunin published two scenariosIn fact, the delay in appointing a new head of the anti-corruption prosecutor's office has been going on for two years. Stefanyshina's statements about the impossibility of revoking the candidate's status are lies and manipulation – Shabunin This is how the authorities are trying to smooth over their attempts to disrupt the competition for the post of the head of the SAP. SAP competition: while the US helps Ukraine, Zelenskyi continues to save Tatarov The commission was again unable to approve the results of the competition, loyal OPU members did not come to the meeting. They are again trying to “bury” the case against Tatarov in court – Shabunin A year after the illegal transfer of materials to the SBU, the court recognized that the investigation period had “expired”. SAP competition: Shabunin told how they will try to sit on two chairs at Bankova To receive a new tranche of the IMF, the Competition Commission can formally approve the selection results, and the Office the Prosecutor General and the courts will later “beat” them down.

Source: ZN

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