
The Russian Federation's war against Ukraine will be an important part of the discussions at the G20 meeting – the head of the Indian Foreign Ministry

The economic consequences of the war will also be discussed.

The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will be an important part of the discussions at the G20 meeting - the head of the Foreign Ministry of India

The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will be an important part of the discussions at the meeting of foreign ministers< /strong>G20 countries. At the same time, India, which hosts the meeting and chairs the G20, is confident that the economic problems provoked by the war will receive the same attention. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of India, Vinay Kwatra, Reuters reports.

“Yes, given the nature and development of the situation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, this will be an important point of discussion,” Kwatra told reporters on Wednesday, March 1. , when the foreign ministers arrived in New Delhi for a meeting.

“Issues related to food and energy security, the fertilizer situation, the impact of the conflict on the economic challenges we face, among others, will also receive due attention,” Kwatra said.

The meeting will be attended by 40 delegations including Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gan.

After a welcome dinner on Wednesday, discussions will take place on Thursday, March 2. The meeting is likely to discuss, in particular, the growing tension in relations between the US and China.

Kwatra said he also expects a clear message on terrorism. According to him, the role of cryptocurrencies will be part of this message.

Read also: India insists that the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine should be ended through negotiations

Earlier it was reported that the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the G20 will be held from March 1 to 2. It will come days after a meeting of G20 finance ministers, during which they failed to reach a consensusregarding the condemnation of Russian aggression and did not sign a joint statement. The meeting ended with a declaration outlining the differences between the participants.

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Source: ZN

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