
The Russian military occupied 95% of the Luhansk region – Gaidai

According to the head of the OVA, the situation in Donbass is extremely difficult.

Russian military occupied 95% of Luhansk region - Gaidai

The enemy army has already occupied 95% of Luhansk region and does not stop shelling the region. This was announced by the head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Serhiy Haidai in the Telegram.

“95% of the territory of Luhansk region is occupied. The situation in Donbass is extremely bad. Luhansk region continues to restrain the horde, which is destroying our settlements. The shelling does not stop at all, “Gaidai said.

According to him, the Russian military is also shelling the Lysychansk-Bakhmut highway.

DRG went on the road and there was a shootout. “The orcs even managed to set up checkpoints, but today the road is not blocked, humanitarian aid has been delivered,” Gaidai added. that the invaders did not surround Severodonetsk.

According to Gaidai, there are still up to 15,000 people in towns and villages. In total, in the territory of Luhansk region, controlled by Ukraine, there are more than 40,000 of our citizens. 99% of them refuse to evacuate.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian military is focusing its efforts on the Bakhmut direction in the Donbass, as well as trying to increase success in the Lyman direction.

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Source: ZN

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