
The SBU detained an ex-combatant of the “DPR” who fought against the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Donetsk airport

The attacker turned out to be a resident of Odessa.

in the area of ​​the Donetsk airport” alt=”The SBU detained an ex-combatant of the “DPR” who fought against the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the Donetsk airport” />

In Odesa, the security service detained an ex-combatant of the “Sparta” battalion, who was a member of the illegal group “DPR” supported by Russia . The court remanded the perpetrator to custody, the SBU reported.

“The perpetrator turned out to be a local resident who in 2015 joined the Sparta battalion of the DPR terrorist organization and took part in combat operations against ATO forces in eastern Ukraine. As part of an enemy group, he shelled defensive positions of Ukrainian troops, took part in battles near the Donetsk airport, was on duty at checkpoints and trained in sniper “courses,” the SBU said.

He left the ranks of the militants after he was wounded. Then he secretly left for the territory controlled by Ukraine, and later returned to Odesa.

“For a long time, the criminal hid from justice and continued to maintain contacts with his accomplices from the ranks of terrorists. During investigative operations, the SBU officers located him and detained him,” the SBU added.

At the detainee's residence, law enforcement officers found computer equipment, a mobile phone and SIM cards with evidence of his criminal activities.

The perpetrator was informed of suspicion under part 1 of Art. 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (participation in a terrorist group or terrorist organization). The court sent the ex-boyfriend to custody. The investigation is ongoing.

Read also: The SBU exposed a supporter of the “Russian peace” among its own

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Source: ZN

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