
The second parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform is planned for autumn in Prague – Stefanchuk

Ruslan Stefanchuk had a conversation with the head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament.

The second parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform is planned for autumn in Prague - Stefanchuk

The second parliamentary summit of the International Crimean Platform is planned to be held this autumn in Prague. The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, announced this.

“We plan to hold the second Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Platform in Prague in the fall. I thank the Czech Republic for its willingness to host and participate in the organization of an important event. I am convinced that he will bring us closer to the common goal of the de-occupation of Crimea and all temporarily occupied territories,” Stefanchuk wrote on Facebook.

He also added that he had a conversation with the head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, Marketa Pekarova Adamova. During the conversation, according to Stefanchuk, he thanked the Czech Republic for the already provided military and technical assistance to Ukraine.

“This is a significant contribution to our joint Victory. He emphasized that the strengthening of Ukraine's defense capabilities is now extremely important,” said the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament.

Ruslan Stefanchuk and Marketa Pekarova Adamova also discussed Ukraine's integration course.

“He noted that Ukraine seeks to start pre-accession negotiations with the EU as soon as possible. He also thanked the Czech Republic for its firm support of Ukraine's movement towards NATO membership. I hope that at the summit in Vilnius in July 2023, the allies will make a decision to invite Ukraine to join the Alliance,” concluded Stefanchuk.

Read also: Ambassador Subh told which country can soon replenish list of signatories of the Crimean Platform declaration

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Source: ZN

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