
The trial of Putin should take place in Ukraine and it should not be delayed – ex-prosecutor of the tribunal from Yugoslavia

The main prosecutor in the case of Slobodan Milosevic supported the idea of ​​creating a special tribunal for the Russian political and military leadership.

of Yugoslavia” alt=”Putin's trial should take place in Ukraine and it should not be delayed – ex-prosecutor of the tribunal from Yugoslavia” />

Ukrainian authorities actively seek international legal institutions creation of a separate tribunal for Russian war criminalsand the top leadership of the aggressor country. This idea is supported by the former prosecutor of the tribunal from Yugoslavia Jeffrey Nice, who believes that after the end of the war, the trial of the Kremlin dictator must be held in Ukraine. The lawyer stated this during a special speech in Brussels on September 5, Ukrinform writes.

According to Nice, the creation of special tribunals for military aggressors is a correct and effective step. He supports the cooperation of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine with international colleagues, but insists that the trial of Putin and his entourage should take place in Ukraine.

< span style="font-weight: 400;">“The court must be organized in Ukraine, so that it is conducted by Ukrainians, in the Ukrainian language. Of course, with the involvement of foreign experts. The trial of Milosevic was started more than 20 years ago, then it became a kind of experiment. It wasn't perfect and it was too expensive. I hope that the court that will be held in Ukraine will be organized according to a slightly different system and will become much more effective. After all, courts that last for years are ineffective for many reasons. Therefore, the process should not be delayed,” Nice said.

He also emphasized the need to create a tribunal for Putin, rejecting the possibility of leaving him unpunished. The prosecutor emphasizes that one should not give in to appeals that it is “not worth” or even “impossible” to try the president of the Russian Federation. Nice noted that the crimes of Putin and other Russians are easy to prove, so you should not believe lawyers who will claim the opposite.

Read also: The President of the European Parliament supports Ukraine's initiative regarding a tribunal for Putin

Earlier, Jeffrey Nice said that the tribunal against Putin will be quick, because he is perfectly aware of the criminality of his own actions.

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Source: ZN

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