
The war in Ukraine is far from over – Danilov

Putin has not given up his plans to seize the entire territory of our state.

The war in Ukraine is far from completion - Danilov

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov believes that Russia's war against Ukraine may continue for a long time even despite the incredible resilience of Ukrainian soldiers. He said this in an interview with The Globe and Mail.

“The Russians have an advantage in artillery and heavy equipment. This does not frighten our soldiers. We hold our positions. From time to time we counterattack. But the war is still going on and we are far from over,” Danilov said, adding that the situation at the front is tense and “I do not belong to the camp of those who are convinced of the weakness of the Russian army. They have considerable resources and have brought them here.”

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council assures that Russia still wants to seize the entire territory of our state.

“They definitely did not change their plans to capture the whole country. They said it publicly, dropping all their masks,” Danilov said.

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On June 12, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were launching a counteroffensive in certain areas. According to him, currently the fighting continues on 1105 km of the front, when the total width is 2450 km.

Read the truth about the war in an interview by Inna Vedernikova with military analyst Agil Rustamzade for > ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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