
Today the government will approve the issue of visa regime with Russia

President Zelensky recently publicly supported this idea.

Today the government will approve visa issue with Russia

According to ZN.UA sources close to the Ukrainian government, the process of introducing a visa regime with the Russian Federation is to begin today. The relevant decision should be made at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

On May 26, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky instructed Prime Minister Denis Shmygal to work on the introduction of a visa regime between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Recently, the head of state reaffirmed his support for the idea of ​​introducing a visa regime for Russian citizens.

“I think it's a good idea to introduce a visa regime with Russia . And, secondly, I probably have enough opportunities today to bring this to a positive result for Ukrainians, “Zelensky said.

concerning Ukraine in 2014. However, the relevant decision was not made for discussion between the parliament and the government.

The day before the full-scale invasion of Russia, President Zelensky said that the introduction of a visa regime “will depend on the actions of the Russian side.”

The idea of ​​introducing a visa regime for Russian citizens was also supported by 25,000 citizens who voted for the petition on the website of the President of Ukraine.

Source: ZN

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