
Tomorrow, the Council intends to vote on the scandalous draft law 5655. The NAKC is studying the final version of the draft law, which it received only on Saturday

The tension between supporters and opponents of the draft law has reached its peak. People's deputy Bezgin offered to sit down at the negotiating table live.

the final version of the draft law, which was received only on Saturday” alt=”Tomorrow, the Council intends to vote on the scandalous draft law 5655. The NAKC is studying the final version of the draft law, which was received only on Saturday” />

The head of the specialized subcommittee, Vitaly Bezgin, called for a dialogue between people's deputies and local self-government regarding the scandalous draft law No. 5655 “On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Reforming the Sphere of Urban Development.” In particular, he calls to sit down at the “round table” and open all the cards live.

“The main problem of this draft law is the lack of dialogue between the parties, the lack of desire to hear the other side. Instead of wasting resources on mutual hate, pressure and media campaigns, it is worth sitting down and finding a solution in a transparent way. Without open discussion, outside observers have well-founded suspicions. Currently, there is no high-quality dialogue between the central and local authorities regarding this project. This is again about division, again about swings, again about weakening the state from the inside, and this cannot be allowed,” Bezgin wrote on Facebook.

As you know, the document should be submitted for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada tomorrow . At the same time, according to ZN.UA, people's deputies plan to vote for the document without discussion. Therefore, why vote on a deliberately controversial bill that does not have a consensus in society, and then hold a round table? Question.

All the more so, as NAZK received the final version of the draft law only on Saturday, where its authors allegedly corrected all the “errors” in accordance with the National Agency's recommendations.

As already reported by ZN.UA, earlier, NAZK came to the conclusion that the document does not correspond to the Anti-corruption Strategy for 2021-2025. Therefore, the National Agency suggested that the people's deputies make changes to the document and provided relevant comments and recommendations.

At the same time, the author of draft law #5655, Olena Shulyak, continues to promote the draft law, in particular, at meetings with ambassadors G7, which, by the way, was chaired by the new Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov, who headed the combined Ministry of Infrastructure and Miniregion, which also manages the construction sector.

According to the sources of ZN.UA, NAKC will make its decision in the near future, and if the information actively relayed by the author of the draft law, Olena Shulyak, does not correspond to reality, then NAKC will publicly react.

It seems that the authors took themselves some important obligations and try at any cost to push through a controversial document that does not have a consensus in society.

Whether it is necessary to vote for such a draft law and even without discussion is for the deputies to decide. And then, if the construction lobby does press the parliament, to the president himself. And this will be another marker for Zelensky.

Read also: “Perhaps not all Ukrainian cities will be rebuilt”: Shulyak explained what the government's plan will consist of

We remind you that the national union of Architects of Ukraine also opposed the draft law. EarlierThe Association of Cities of Ukraine submitted its proposals to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada for the second reading of draft law No. 5655. As noted by the executive director of the associationOleksandr Slobozhan,the absence of clearly defined norms, down to the last comma, in the draft law increases possible corruption, negates the idea of ​​digitalization of the permit system in urban planning.

The draft law is actively lobbied by its author and head of the Servant of the People party, Olena Shulyak.According to ZN.UA, she separately introduced a number of amendments to the committee vote, which are even more worsen the situation.

In mid-November, the SBU simultaneously searched the National Union of Architects of Ukraine. The deputy head of the Architectural Chamber of NSAU Anna Kyriy then called it “another significant event in the chain of revenge against architects for our position on draft law No. 5655”.

” This is another significant event in the chain of struggle between individual politicians of the state and civil society. And we know their names well,” the architect wrote on her Facebook page. – Exactly on this day a year ago, the Architectural Chamber of NSAU held an all-Ukrainian campaign for a real urban planning reform, not the scheme proposed by lobbyists in 5655.

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The analysis of the draft law and how the urban planning reform proposed by the authorities can turn into the formation of a kind of construction autonomy, where civil society is given only the role of a spectator, was done for ZN.UA by Georgy Mohylny in the material “Autonomous Building Republic. Facts without myths.”

Source: ZN

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