
Torture, rape, execution: the UN spoke about war crimes committed by Russians in Ukraine – NYT

The Human Rights Council presented a detailed report.

crimes of Russians in Ukraine – NYT” alt=”Torture, rape, execution: the UN spoke about the war crimes of Russians in Ukraine – NYT” />

The commission of inquiry appointed by the UN documented the facts of war crimes committed by the Russian occupiers in Ukraine< /strong>. It is about executions, torture and sexual violence, in particular against children, writes The New York Times.

Director of field operations of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Christian Salazar Volkmann told about this is at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council.

“Most of the documented cases of torture involved Ukrainian prisoners. In two cases, Ukrainian military personnel were tortured to death,” Volkmann said.

The UN investigation also documented the deaths of three Ukrainians found dead in a basement in the Kyiv region with their hands and feet tied, with stab wounds and severed fingers. .

Experts also confirmed that people often disappear in Russian-occupied military territories.

“From the beginning of February to the end of July, the violent abduction and arbitrary detention of 407 people, including 47 women and a boy, were recorded in the territory occupied by Russia. Eighteen of them were later found dead,” he added.

The commission also recorded violations of Russian prisoners of war by the Ukrainian military, but “on a smaller scale,” Volkmann emphasized. In 47 cases, investigators could not establish the reason for the detention of people by Ukrainian law enforcement officers.

Russia criticized the report as “one-sided and unbalanced”, the document is allegedly silent about “war crimes and human rights violations committed by the Ukrainian military”.

Volkmann believes that Russia's attempt to annex four regions of Ukraine will only worsen the situation with violations

Read also: Torture and disappearance of people: Human Rights Watch spoke about new crimes in the south

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Earlier she spoke about her experience of torture and terror at the hands of the Russian occupiers< /strong> paramedic Yuliya Paevska (“Tyra”), who spoke before the Helsinki Commission: “Prisoners in their cells screamed and died from torture for weeks without any medical assistance. The only thing they felt before death was abuse and beatings.”

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Source: ZN

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