
Trump kept documents about the nuclear potential of a foreign state at his home — WP

Some of the seized documents detail top-secret US operations to which only a few dozen people have access.

“Trump kept documents about foreign nuclear capabilities at his home – WP” />

FBI agents who raided the residence and private club of former President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago last month , found a document describing a foreign government's military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities. This is reported in the material of The Washington Rost.

According to the publication's anonymous sources, some of the seized documents describe in detail US top-secret operations, which are so carefully guarded that many senior national security officials have no idea about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or officials close to them could know the details of these special programs.

Documents about such secret operations require special authorizationsbased on the principle of need for familiarization. Some special access programs may be known only to a few dozen government officials authorized to know about the existence of the operation. Records related to such programs are kept under lock and key, almost always in a secure information facility where a specially designated officer closely monitors their whereabouts.

But such documents were kept at Mar-a-Lago < strong>more than 18 months since Trump left the White House.

After months of trying, the FBI reportedly seized more than 300 classified documents from Mar-a-Lago: 184 in a set of 15 boxes sent to the National Archives and Records Administration in January, another 38 handed over by Trump's lawyer to investigators in June, and more than 100 additional documents found during a court-approved search on August 8.

It was in this latest batch of documents that sources said information about a foreign government's nuclear defense readiness was found. At the same time, the sources did not indicate which foreign government it was about, or where exactly in Mar-a-Lago the document was found. Just and the FBI.

The Washington Post previously reported that FBI agents who searched Trump's home were specifically looking for any classified documents related to nuclear weapons. After the publication of this information, Trump compared it on social networks with many previous government investigations against him.

“The nuclear weapons issue is a hoax, just like Russia was a hoax, the two impeachments were a hoax, the Mueller investigation was a hoax, and more. The same bad people are involved,” he wrote, suggesting that FBI agents may have planted evidence against him.

According to the source, investigators raised the alarm when they began reviewing documents seized from the club's vault in August. Trump's residence and his office. The team soon came across records that have extremely limited access. So much so that even some of the top national security officials in the Biden administration were not allowed to review them. In particular, one of the official reports mentioned this information when it was noted that FBI counterintelligence agents and prosecutors investigating the Mar-a-Lago documents were initially not authorized to review some of the seized material.

As reported, the classified documents in the boxes seized from Trump during the search were mixed with various newspapers, magazines and personal notes.

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The FBI seized from the ex-president more than 11,000 government documents and photographs, as well as 48 empty folders marked “secret”.

Source: ZN

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