
Ukraine has sent intelligence on Russian-related business to four more countries

SCFM warns about the need to strengthen financial supervision over the identified business.

 Ukraine has sent intelligence on Russian-related business to four more countries

The State Financial Monitoring Service (SCFM) has sent intelligence to four more countries on activities in the territory of these states business related to the Russian Federation. This is stated in the materials of the SCFM, which are available to the editors of ZN.UA .

Yes, SCFM, which is a unit of financial intelligence , sent relevant information to Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa.

The appeal refers to the need to strengthen financial supervision of businesses with ties to Russia.

Recall, in mid-March 2022, given the availability of intelligence about that a significant segment of the Luxembourg financial sector is controlled by the Russian Federation or its residents, the SCFM has sent a letter to the Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervision Commission (CSSF) to strengthen financial supervision of business, given the risks involved.

Subsequently, the SCFM sent a request to strengthen financial supervision of businesses with ties to the Russian Federation to a number of financial regulators:

  • Barbados, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Fr. Maine, Italy, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Panama, Seychelles, Spain, Switzerland, UAE, Virgin Islands, Finland, Georgia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan (March 2022);
  • The Kingdom of Belgium, the United Kingdom, the Cayman Islands, Austria, Greece, Mauritius, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Estonia, Canada, Israel (April 2022);
  • the United States, including the Securities and Exchange Commission Exchanges, Office of the Controller of Money Circulation of the Ministry of Finance and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Office of the Controller of Money Circulation of the Ministry of Finance (April 2022);
  • Poland, Germany, Ireland , Portugal, Montenegro (May 2022);
  • Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, the Netherlands, France and Singapore (June 2022).

The following infographic also shows what measures have been taken by the SCFM since the beginning of the war to combat money laundering and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by the Russian Federation.

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Source: ZN

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