
Ukrainian Foreign Minister calls on scientists to investigate causes of “Bucha massacre”

Kuleba said that for many years, Russian propaganda incited hatred and dehumanized Ukrainians.

 Ukrainian Foreign Minister urges scientists to investigate causes

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba urges scientists from around the world to investigate the causes of Russian military atrocities in Bucha , Kuleba said on Twitter.

According to him, the tragedy was preceded by many years of Russian propaganda.

“Bucha For many years, Russian political elites and propaganda have incited hatred, dehumanized Ukrainians, nurtured Russia's superiority, and laid the groundwork for these atrocities. I urge scholars around the world to investigate what led to Bucha, “Kuleba said. span>

When, after the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Kyiv region, the first photos of the bodies of dead civilians lying on the streets of Bucha appeared – some with their hands tied, some with gunshot wounds to the head – the Russian Defense Ministry denied responsibility.

Russia has said the images are “another fake” and has tried to convene an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on what it called “provocations by Ukrainian radicals” in Bucha. p>

Read also: Podoliak on talks with Russia: “They look up and say that Bucha is a production of Hollywood actors”

Recall, April 2 the whole Kyiv region was liberated from the invaders. Cities began to gradually demine and allow journalists and volunteers. Mass graves, burnt bodies on sidewalks and raped minors – Domestic media and other information resources continue to publish testimonies from the territories that have been under occupation for about a month.

that these were not accidental actions or deeds of individual soldiers who lost control of themselves. This is more of a common tactic or even a strategy of Russia to intimidate Ukrainians.

Bucha was called the second “Srebrenica”, and the mysterious Russian soul went to Hell under the song of Leps. The best day that can come now is to punish war criminals. Including Russian generals who give orders, soldiers who shoot civilians, propagandists and artists who sing and lie in support of the bloody regime. But for this to happen, two conditions must be met. Which? Read about it in the article Inna Vedernikova « Depopulation of Russia. Who and how documents the atrocities of the “Russian world” in Bucha “.

See the special topic: “Bucha is a landscape of horror”: The New York Times published a map of civilian killings Russians killed recklessly, intensifying terror against civilians after each success of the Armed Forces. The Pentagon has reacted to the situation in Mariupol: it is checking the possibility of a chemical attack A similar check is being carried out by the United Kingdom. Britain and partners check information on the use of chemical weapons in Mariupol The use of chemical and nuclear weapons – the red lines of the West in front of Putin's nose. Contamination of Ukraine with mines should be considered a war crime of the Russian Federation – Zelensky Due to the actions of the Russian army, our country is becoming one of the most mined in the world. The Ukrainian army shot down seven air targets of the Russian enemy The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to destroy the occupiers on earth and in the sky.

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