
VAKS allowed a special investigation into Klyuyev

He is one of the suspects in the case of embezzlement of state funds for a total amount of over UAH 195 million.

allowed a special investigation into Klyuyev” />

The Higher Anti-Corruption Court allowed a special investigation into the former First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Andriy Klyuyev. This was reported by the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office.

“On March 13, 2023, the investigative judge of the National Security Agency granted the request of the NABU detective, approved by the prosecutor of the SAP, to grant permission to carry out a special pre-trial investigation regarding the former First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine – one of the suspects in the case regarding the seizure of state funds in the total amount of more than UAH 195 million, which were intended to finance innovative and investment projects in the real sector of the economy (Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine),” SAP reported.

The anti-corruption prosecutor's office explained that this will allow the investigation to be completed and the case against Klyuyev, who has been hiding in the Russian Federation since 2014, to be sent to the State Prosecutor's Office.

Read also: Yanukovych's associates – the Klyuyev brothers, once again avoided paying multibillion-dollar debts , again to the state bank

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Source: ZN

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