
We need transformation, not recovery: Klimkin on ending the war and supporting the event

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine believes that the West can do even more for Ukraine and not be afraid of escalation.

Western countries can further support Ukraine to end the war as soon as possible and help transform, not just rebuild, the country. This opinion was expressed by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin in an interview with Vitaly Portnikov for Radio Liberty.

“Of course, we need help to support the economy, to close the budget delta, and to restore critically needed facilities before the end of the war and the implementation of Ukraine's transformation plan,” Pavlo Klimkin said. – And this should be a plan of transformation, not restoration. We need to transform the country in order to ensure the fastest possible integration with the West, both in the EU and in NATO, because this will be the final guarantee of our security against the Russian regime.”

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According to him, the West, providing weapons to Ukraine and imposing sanctions against Russia, should stop leaving from the logic of “no matter what happens” and not to be afraid of escalation. However, the former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine agreed that the sanctions are working and because of them “the Russian economy will collapse sooner or later”, which will provoke irreversible internal contradictions in Russia.

“They are really destroying the whole concept of this social contract between the Russian authorities and the Russian population: you keep quiet, we protect you, we pay you and cover all other needs. Yes, in the long run, it is this social stability, if you use that term, that sanctions really disrupt. But the sanctions primarily strike at the regime's ability to continue this war and threaten someone in general,” Pavlo Klimkin believes.

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Source: ZN

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