
Weather forecasters warn of strong storms and thunderstorms

A storm is forecast in the north and west of Ukraine.

Weather forecasters warn of strong storms and thunderstorms

Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine warns of the danger of storms and thunderstorms in the north and west of Ukraine on Thursday, May 12. According to weather forecasters across the country, except for Transcarpathia, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, there will also be an extraordinary level of fire danger. Thunderstorms will appear in the western regions in the afternoon and precipitation will spread to the entire West and North of the country by Thursday evening.

“, – she noted.

At the same time in the eastern regions, central and southern parts of Ukraine rains are unlikely.

Windy hot weather is expected in Kyiv on May 12. During the day probably up to + 26 + 28 degrees. The south-west wind will reach strong gusts of up to 25 meters per second.

“Such a high jump in the summer will be short-lived and from Friday the air temperature will gradually decrease to moderate values,” said Didenko. p>

Source: ZN

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