
What specialties do college graduates regret the most and what would they like to replace them with – research

Studying journalism brings the most disappointment, computer science the least.

What majors do college graduates regret the most and what would they like to replace - research

Obtaining higher education is a question that worries many people in Ukraine and abroad. For example, in the USA, many schoolchildren and their families begin to wonder whether a college education is worth spending four years of life on. and a fairly large student loan, which will then need to be repaid.

As CNBC writes, some experts believe that the value of a bachelor's degree is gradually decreasing, and more time would be better spent on professional training. More and more companies, including technological ones, are waiving the requirements for a degree for employees with an average and even high level of qualification when hiring.

Read also: More than 40 thousand applicants decided to get vocational and technical education – MES

But the report of the Center for Education and Workforce of Georgetown University The College Payoff shows that getting a degree is almost always worth it. Bachelors usually earn 84% more than someone with only a high school diploma. And the higher the education level, the higher the salary.

But it is important to take into account the fact that the salary level differs by region. Those who received an education in the field of natural sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics – the so-called STEM disciplines – receive the most. In addition to them, health care and business specialties are among the most highly paid.

We remind you that these data are valid for the USA, but for Ukraine, everything may be completely different.

Top 10 majors that graduates regret the most

Even despite the advantages that obtaining a degree gives, 44% of graduates regret the specialty they received. A survey conducted by ZipRecruiter, in which more than 1,500 college graduates looking for work took part, showed that journalism, sociology, communication and education lead among these majors.

Rating of the most disappointing majors

  • Journalism (87%);
  • Sociology (72%);
  • Humanities/general knowledge (72%);
  • Communications (64%);
  • Education (61%);
  • Marketing, management (60%);
  • Physician assistant (58%);
  • Political sciences + state management (56%);
  • Biology (52%);
  • English language and literature (52%).

Students can work on these specialties are still undergoing training. But the graduates admit that after graduating from college, “reality strikes.”

“When you're barely able to pay the bills, salary becomes much more important,” said ZipRecruiter lead economist Sinem Baber.

The bigger the salary, the less disappointment

The study also found that, collectively, college graduates with the highest salaries earn $3.4 billion more over their lifetime than those who earn the least.

Graduates entering jobs with good career prospects and high starting salaries are the most satisfied with their specialty, according to data from ZipRecruiter.

Specialties that caused the least regrets

  • Computer and information sciences (72%);
  • Criminology (72%);
  • Engineering (71%);
  • Nursing (69%) ;
  • Healthcare (67%);
  • Business administration and management (66%);
  • Finance (66%);
  • Psychology (65%);
  • Construction (65%);
  • HR (58%).

In most cases, graduates with a specialty computer scientists start their careers with a salary of 100 thousand dollars per hour.

Baber noted that not only the salary is important, although it also plays an important role. “Nowadays, employment guarantees are gaining more and more importance. This happens every time we are afraid of a recession,” she added.

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About which specialties are considered the most popular among Ukrainian applicants, read Oksana Onyshchenko's article “Where did the best applicants go: important results of the introductory campaign” on ZN.UA.

Source: ZN

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