
When will the war against Ukraine end? Kuleba made a statement

He noted that the allies should be interested in how many more weapons the Armed Forces of Ukraine need in order to defeat the occupying army in the shortest possible time.

When will it end war against Ukraine? Kuleba made a statement

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba said that today it seems that everyone is waiting for Ukraine to “collapse” in the confrontation with the Russian Federation and the problem will disappear by itself. However, no one in any cabinet knows the exact date when the war will end, it is only clear that the winner will be our state, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said during an interview with the publication “Gordon”.

“I do not have the right to set any time frames for myself. I am often asked in interviews and conversations by foreign ministers: how long will you last? I answer everyone: you have the wrong “optics”. Instead of asking, what else need to be done to defeat Putin in the shortest possible time, it feels like everyone is waiting for us to collapse and the problem will disappear by itself,” Kuleba said, adding that such answers are reacted to very painfully. “I have no right to set a deadline for myself. We will fight as long as it takes for the victory of our country.”

Kuleba is also confident that a tribunal will be created against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his henchmen, “not quickly, but we will help history create this tribunal.”

Read also: Experts believe that the active phase of the war may drag on. The Russian Federation against Ukraine will last at least another year. According to him, everything will depend primarily on qualitative and quantitative Western aid in the form of weapons and financial loans.

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Source: ZN

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