
Without food and with bugs: Russian mass media reported the conditions under which mobilized Russians expect to be sent to the front

No one explains anything to the occupying recruits, they waste time waiting for the promised combat training to begin.

Without food and with bugs: Russian media reported the conditions in which mobilized Russians expect to be sent to the front

Relatives of mobilized Russians complain about the terrible conditions of their detention . Recruits sleep in their outer clothes on bedbug-infested mattresses, are cold and starving. The mobilized invaders are wasting time waiting for the promised combat training to begin. This is reported by “Verstka”.

According to relatives of the occupiers, the mobilized eat what they brought with them. Those who have more food share with others.

“For two days, not a single dry ration was given, not even a piece of bread. It doesn't fit in my head,” complains a relative of a mobilized soldier of the Russian Federation from Chelyabinsk.

The wife of a mobilized occupier from Ufa said that her husband was a little more lucky. Where he was sent, three meals a day, except for the days when the mobilized are waiting for distribution to training grounds. According to the woman, on such days, recruits stand for many hours at the parking lot and skip lunch. On the first day, the men stood under the downpour from early in the morning until seven in the evening.

The mobilized invaders sleep on mattresses in their outer clothing, because sleeping bags were not issued to anyone. Each room accommodates 30 people. There is no bathhouse or hot water in the unit, so the invaders wash themselves with cold water.

The occupier complains that due to uncertainty and poor living conditions, there is a tense atmosphere in the part. As a result, the mobilized people enter into conflicts over small things and even fight among themselves.

According to the wife of the occupier-recruit from Ufa, on the first day all the mobilized people were forced to stand for several hours in the rain in the parking lot. The invaders were told to wait until the commanders decided what to do with them next. As a result, the recruits were distributed among the barracks.

Men could not dry their clothes and walked in wet ones. There is also no bathhouse or hot water in the unit. Not all barracks have toilets. The occupiers are not given sleeping bags, so they are often forced to sleep on old, dirty mattresses littered with bedbugs.

Relatives of the invaders are dissatisfied with the organization of the training of the mobilized Russians. Some of them are outraged that the soldiers were immediately sent to the front without training. Some of the occupiers are still not told whether they will undergo any training.

Invaders are given assault rifles, but not taught how to use them. It is not known whether there will be training, no one explains anything to them. Relatives of the occupiers-new recruits write complaints on the social media pages of Russian officials. But most often these appeals remain unanswered. Sometimes the relatives of the invaders still receive formal answers: the authorities of the Russian Federation assure that the mobilized are provided with everything they need.

Read also: Russia started a secret mobilization operation back in May – intelligence

On September 21, the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced partial mobilization in the country. Two weeks later, the regions of the Russian Federation began to report on the completion of mobilization measures. According to the resultsresearch by the publication “Vazhnye istorii” together with the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT), in two weeks, the Russian Federation could mobilize at least 213,200 people in 53 regions.

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At the same time, it is noted that the mobilization hit the regions of Russia unevenly. According to analysts, uneven mobilization may lead to an increase in male mortality in the most affected regions of the Russian Federation. According to the researchers' forecasts, casualties among the mobilized will be higher than among the employees of the regular army. This can be explained by the low level of training.

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Source: ZN

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