
Yandex warns of “inaccurate information” when searching for data on atrocities in Bucha

The company also explained the difference in search with Google.

Russia's Yandex search engine has begun warning of possible “inaccurate information” when searching for data on Russian war crimes committed in Bucha. Mediazone drew attention to this.

So, if you type the word “Bucha” in the search for “Yandex”, a die will appear. Some materials on the Internet may contain inaccurate information. Please be careful. ” At the same time, if you look for the names of other cities that were badly damaged during the war unleashed by Russia, there is no such dice.

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Interestingly, the warning appears for both Russian and foreign users. At the same time, in the section “Pictures” on the first page there are images of the city still untouched by the war, and evidence of destruction and murder can be seen only on the second.

Updated 18:53 . Yandex explained the appearance of images of a peaceful city by saying that they first show the most popular, not recently added. According to Medusa, if you search for images now, according to the word “Bucha”, the search already produces images of the destroyed city.

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Source: ZN

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