
Zelensky called on Ukrainian business to return to work

Jobs and economic stability also work to defend the state.

Zelensky called on Ukrainian business to return to work

Ukrainian entrepreneurs need to start resuming their activities in our country to provide logistical support to the economy and defense of Ukraine and recoup the huge losses . This was stated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during an evening video address to the nation.

Providing jobs and adjusting economic activity to the existing conditions is also a big job for defense, for our future, “Zelensky said.

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The head of state reminded that foreign embassies are actively returning to Ukraine.

“Already 37 foreign missions have resumed their work in Kyiv. And I am grateful to all of them, because this is 37 proofs that Ukraine stands strong and has prospects in contrast to the Russian Federation. I am confident that other foreign missions will return to the capital soon, “the President said.

Read also: One of the Ukrainian banks has decided to resume lending

Recall that to support Ukrainian business during the war on the public services portal “Action” created an opportunity for entrepreneurs to receive grants worth 125 thousand hryvnias (€ 4000) .

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Source: ZN

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