
Zelenskyy presented the Ukrainian “peace formula” at the UN

Despite opposition from the Russian Federation, the President of Ukraine spoke at the session of the UN General Assembly in video format.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. The main topics of the speech were Russia's war against Ukraine, punishment of the aggressor, and the search for ways to peace and security in the future. In particular, from the podium of the UN General Assembly, the president voiced the Ukrainian “peace formula”.

“A crime was committed against Ukraine, and we demand a fair punishment. For trying to steal our territory. For killing thousands of people. For torture and humiliation of women and men,” he said.

Zelenskyi emphasized that he is speaking on behalf of a state that is forced to defend itself.

“Ukraine wants peace. Europe wants peace. The world wants peace. And we saw who is the only one who wants war. “Russia not only did not stop the crime of aggression that began in 2014, but turned it into a full-scale invasion,” the president said.

However, Ukraine offers a peace formula that can be useful to those states that may find themselves in similar circumstances.


It should operate until the aggression stops, the internationally recognized border is restored and war reparations are paid.

“Sanctions against the aggressor are part of the peace formula. Blocking trade and relations with an aggressor is part of the world formula. All this is a punishment,” Zelenskyy explained.

The punishment also includes the isolation of the aggressor in international organizations, the deprivation of the right to vote, the right of veto in the UN Security Council. A special court is needed to punish Russia for the crime of aggression against our state.

“This is something that will be a signal to all potential aggressors that they should value peace, otherwise they will be held accountable by the world,” Zelensky emphasized.

Protection of life

Each state against which armed aggression is directed must be given the opportunity to defend its citizens and liberate its territory.

“If for this it is necessary to help with weapons or shells – it should be. If it requires financial help, so be it. If intelligence is needed for this, it should be,” he explained.

The President of Ukraine emphasized: insisting on negotiations now, Russia does not seek peace, it seeks to stop the retreat of its troops , in order to start a new offensive in the spring.

“We cannot agree to a delayed war. Because it will be even hotter than now,” explained the president.

Zelensky reminded that Ukraine needs defense support – weapons, equipment and shells; long-range offensive weapons; defense systems, primarily air defense; and in financial support to continue fulfilling social obligations.

Restoring security and territorial integrity

Without restoring the territorial integrity of victims of armed aggression, it is impossible to restore global security , Volodymyr Zelenskyy reminded.

With a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia undermined many elements of global security – from food to shipping, from nuclear to energy security.

Speaking about the threats created by Russia, Zelensky called to pay attention to Russian radiation blackmail. “Russian radiation blackmail is something that should worry everyone, because none of you will find a vaccine against radiation sickness,” he noted.

And also the energy blackmail of the aggressor, which can be eliminated, strong>limiting the prices of Russian energy resources.

“Limiting prices is the world's self-defense. This is the way to restore energy and price security. You only need to take one strong step. It's long past time for him,” Zelensky added.

Vladimir Zelenskyi also called for Russia to be recognized as a terrorist state.

“Russia should be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism. At all levels. Legally. Politically. This is the foundation for restoring the elements of global security,” the president of Ukraine explains.

Security guarantees

According to Zelenskyi, Ukraine has a plan to modernize the global security architecture. These are proposals for legally binding multilateral and bilateral treaties.

“I do not want to compare our proposals with the guarantees of any alliances that currently exist on the planet. I want to emphasize that it is always more profitable to ensure the security of a particular nation in a preventive manner than to stop a war against it after the fact,” the president explained.

Determination to defend

The President emphasized that without this point the rest will not work.

“This is our determination to fight. This is the determination of the partners to help us, therefore, themselves. And this is the determination of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggression,” he added.

According to Zelenskyi, the implementation of the Ukrainian formula will actually become a reform of the United Nations.

Read also: Ukraine presents a number of initiatives against the Russian Federation at the UN – Ministry of Justice

Can an aggressor country that violates many norms of international law not only be a member of the UN, but also sit in its body – the Security Council, which is responsible for maintaining international peace and security? The question is rhetorical. But when there is indisputable evidence that the Russian Federation entered the UN and its Security Council illegally, it is necessary to act.

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Source: ZN

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