
Apart from Putin, there is no one to talk to in Russia – Zelensky

The President commented on the possibility of a new stage of negotiations.

Except for Putin in Russia there is no one to talk to - Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that in Russia he can negotiate only directly with Vladimir Putin and only to end the war. There is no time or meaning for anything else, he told the FT's Global Boardroom on Tuesday. The Financial Times reports. This has been the case in the history of all mankind. I am ready for direct talks with the President of Russia, if this is a serious issue about the end of the war, and not just “blah blah blah.” I am ready for this, I am unchanging in my behavior. Because I believe that in the Russian Federation there is no one to talk to except this person. And we have a war specifically with the Russian Federation. And there is no time to talk about it, “he said, answering questions about the likelihood of negotiations.

Zelensky added that according to his personal impressions, two lives have passed since February 24, as the situation is changing very quickly.

Read also: The United States will continue to strengthen Ukraine's defense and negotiating position – White House

Recall, in May, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Ukraine has changed its military goals in the war with Russia and now seeks to oust Russian troops from the country completely . He added that “the picture of victory is a developing concept.”

After some time, Kuleba noted that Ukraine's position in the negotiations is strengthening as a result of the achievements of the Armed Forces. The minister stated that Kyiv would not tolerate any ultimatums from the enemy.

Source: ZN

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