
Darwin Prize: occupiers stole radiation sources from the Chernobyl laboratory (photo)

The location of the stolen sources is currently unknown.

Darwin Prize: occupiers stole radiation sources from the Chernobyl laboratory (photo)

sources of ionizing radiation, with a total activity of about 7 million becquerels. This was reported by the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management (SACP).

, options for handling radioactive materials.

Read also: During the day spent in the Chernobyl forest, the Russian occupiers received an annual dose of radiation

penetration into the storage of ionizing radiation sources, in which exemplary radioactive solutions and calibration sources were stored “, – reported in DAZV.

At the same time, the occupiers stole and damaged 133 sources with a total activity of about 7 million becquerels. This is comparable to 700 kg of radioactive waste with beta and gamma radiation. Even a small part of this activity is deadly if handled unprofessionally and uncontrollably.

The location of the stolen sources is currently unknown. The degree of preservation and safety of calibration sources and exemplary radioactive solutions cannot be determined, and the condition of the damaged will be determined after appropriate inventory and measurements.

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“Russian marauding invaders also looted and destroyed the offices and laboratory of the Institute for Nuclear Safety. They took out computers, office equipment, smashed or destroyed laboratory equipment and measuring devices, and robbed garages with vehicles used to deliver scientists to research sites, “the DAZV said.

Yes, the laboratories had sources of ionizing radiation and samples of fuel-containing materials from the Shelter, which scientists used for research. Where these materials are also unknown.

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Most likely, the DAZV believes that both the radiation sources and the fuel were taken away by the occupiers as” souvenirs “, and then these” heroes “will take Darwin's prizes even from those doomed racists who inhaled the dust of the Red Forest for a month. him. After all, carrying such a souvenir with you for two weeks will inevitably lead to radiation burns, radiation sickness and irreversible processes in the body.

Earlier, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko visited the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He showed how the racists dug bare radiation-contaminated soils.

Source: ZN

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