
It is necessary to cancel the visas of those who support Russian aggression – the president of Latvia

Latvia has not issued visas to Russians since February 24, but other countries continue to issue them.

It is necessary to cancel the visas of those who support Russian aggression – the president of Latvia” />

President of LatviaEgils Levits said that his country should review the issued visasand residence permits to those who will support the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, informs Delfi.

The head of state emphasized that residence permits should no longer be issued to permanent residents of Latvia, who will eventually accept citizenship of the Russian Federation. According to him, they should leave the country.

“Trading of residence permits by previous governments, their unjustified generosity in issuing residence permits to Russian citizens, behind which only the vested interests of some political businessmen hid, created security risks and promoted bilingualism. It is time to review the consequences of this failed and dangerous policy,” he emphasized. Levits.

He also noted that Latvia has not issued visas to Russians since February 24, but other countries continue to issue them.

“I believe that Latvia, together with Finland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and other like-minded countries, should put forward a demand at the European level to suspend the issuance of tourist visas to Russian citizens. This would be an additional sanction against Russia,” the Latvian president added.

Read also: Citizens of the Russian Federation are trying to issue Schengen visas “in advance”

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Source: ZN

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