
Javelin may double missile output due to high demand – Reuters

Lockheed Martin believes that their products will continue to be in demand after the end of the war in Ukraine.


According to Reuters, a Lockheed Martin spokesman said that due to the war in Ukraine, as well as possible military threats in the future, the demand for weapons of the company has increased significantly. In this regard, it was decided that the production of missiles for Javelin should be immediately increased from 2,100 to 4,000 thousand units per year. Lockheed Martin will be maintained after the end of the war in Ukraine, as the world must be prepared for new threats from Russia and China.

Read also: Canada will provide an additional $ 41 million in military assistance to Ukraine

Recall that earlier the president United States Joe Biden visited the Javelin plant, where he spoke with company executives and employees.

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Source: ZN

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