
Joe Biden called Liz Truss's economic plan a mistake

The British should evaluate the actions of the prime minister themselves.

Joe Biden called the economic plan of Liz Truss a mistake

US President Joe Biden criticized the initial economic plan of the Prime Minister of Great Britain Liz Truss, which caused the markets to fall and which was later withdrawn. This is reported by Bloomberg

“This is predictable. I mean, I wasn't the only one who thought it was a mistake,” Biden told reporters Saturday during a visit to Portland, Ore., when asked about the Truss reversal.

In his opinion, the idea of ​​cutting taxes for the super-rich during the economic crisis was a bad idea.

“But this decision should be evaluated by Great Britain, not me,” Biden added.

Read also: Hard winter Truss: will Britain remain an ally of Ukraine?

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Source: ZN

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