
Negotiations on the end of the war are currently not underway – Kuleba

Ukraine's goal is to restore the integrity and sovereignty of our country.

there is no war now – Kuleba ” />

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, said that as of today, any negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow regarding the end of the war have been suspended. He said this during the last briefing

“Currently, there are no negotiations between Russia and Ukraine due to the position of the Russian Federation and its constant aggression against our country. Therefore, there really is nothing to discuss. The goal of Ukraine in this war, launched against us by Russia, is the liberation of our territories and the restoration of our territorial integrity and full sovereignty in the east and south of Ukraine. This is the final point of our negotiating position,” Kuleba said.

Read also: Negotiations with the Russian Federation are currently reduced to work on the exchange of prisoners – Podolyak

Advisor to the Chairman of the OP Mykhailo Podolyak said that the negotiation process will resume when the Russian troops will return to the positions they occupied until February 24.

On May 17, the Ukrainian side confirmed suspension of negotiations with Russia regarding a peaceful settlement. According to OP adviser Mykhailo Podoliak, there are three reasons for this: Moscow does not demonstrate an understanding of today's processes in the world, does not realize that in any sense the war is not going its rules, schedule or plans, and cannot refuse to inject into the domestic market.

Read the truth about the war in Inna Vedernikova's interview with military analyst Agil Rustamzadeh for ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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