
State Department on grain negotiations with Moscow: “The tactics of the Russians are disgusting. The Russian Federation should end the blockade”

There they believe that the decision to unblock ports in the Black Sea should be simple.

State Department on grain negotiations with Moscow:

In the USA, the tactics of the Russians, who burn Ukrainian fields together with the harvest, were called disgusting. This was stated by the representative of the US State Department, Ned Price, whose last briefing was quoted by Radio Svoboda.

“Unfortunately, this (destruction of Ukrainian fields due to shelling – ed.) is not a completely new reality. This was one of the disgusting tactics that Russia used against not only the Ukrainian people, but also the international community from the very first days of this conflict,” says Price. – We have seen how rising food prices have affected not only the countries of the region, but also countries far beyond its borders. It is felt in Africa, in South Asia, in Latin America, in almost every region of the world.

This is the practice of burning, destroying wheat and other fields. This is the practice of attacking granaries. This is the practice of persecuting Ukrainian farmers. And, perhaps, the most acute is the terrible practice of blocking Ukraine's Black Sea ports”.

The State Department supported the UN's efforts to resolve the issue of blocked ports in the Black Sea through negotiations with Ukraine, Turkey and the aggressor country Russia. .

“Ultimately, the solution can and should be simple. Russia must end the blockade. We support the UN's efforts to achieve this ultimate goal, and in the meantime, we are working with partners around the world to try to address both the short-term and long-term challenges to food security, “related to the invasion of Russia,” Price said.

Read also: Erdogan on negotiations with Putin on grain: the result will have a positive impact on the whole world

Recall that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba said, that Ukraine and Russia are at the crucial stage of reaching agreements regarding the unblocking of sea ports and the export of grain through the Black Sea. Currently, the main theses of the parties have been agreed, but the minister warned against premature joy.

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Source: ZN

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